7/24 Service
Tekamach, Machine, Tekamach Machine

High Technology,
Quality Product

Tekamach, Machine, Tekamach Machine

24/7 Technical Support Service

As Tekamach, we provide 24/7 support to all our customers.

Customer Happiness

You are always in our focus. In all our sales, we are always with you with our after-sales support.

Failure and Maintenance Support

Have the QR code defined on the machine read, your machine's information will be read by our system and you can create a very fast support request.

7/24 Technical Support
Tekamach, Machine, Tekamach Machine

Quality Oriented Production

Tekamach focuses on quality and customer satisfaction in the professional solutions it has developed in its field. All of our machines you will buy have been subjected to long tests with very precise measurements. All of our works are handled by international engineering approaches and are of a quality that can enter international competition.

100% Our Own Production

Tekamach makes its own machines. We produce in our own center, not in another location.

Long-Term Test Processes

Tekamach is a trust-oriented company with long-term tests conducted by engineers who are experts in their field.

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IIFF 2025 İstanbul Mobilya Fuarı - Rattan Swing Bahçe Mobilyaları